Sunday, November 30, 2008

Die Welt der Amerikaner - not invented here ...

Immer mal wieder stoesst man ganz unvermittelt auf die Weltsicht der Amerikaner.
Hier ein Beispiel aus dem Editorial des Magazins "DieselProgress":

Americans rarely take kindly to suggestions from other countries about what we do, or how we think about things. If you wanna get taken off every Christmas party list this season, start a conversation with, "You know, I think the French are right about …"

It doesn’t matter what the rest of the sentence is. The answer will be, "Well, why don’t you move to damn France then if you like them so much."

Funny stuff. Especially since American government, food, dress, the whole broadly defined "culture" takes a little bit from England, some from France (sorry), Germany, a lot from Mexico and the Latin cultures. There’s some Asian, African and Middle Eastern stuff in there as well.
Virtually every corner of the world has a cultural slice of that unique group called Americans. Maybe more than any other collection of people around the globe we represent the best (and some of the worst) from a whole lot of different cultures.

Und insbesondere dieser letzte Satz zeigt sehr deutlich das Selbstverstaendins der Amerikaner.
Und das lasse ich an deser Stelle unkommentiert :-)

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